Signs of a Great Friendship (And Signs It Might Be Time to Move On)
- Talina
- Making Friends Online , Tips & Guides
- 14 Apr, 2024
Friendships are a vital part of life. It’s a magical bond that offers support, laughter, and a sense of belonging. Friends are the family you choose, right? The ones who make the bad days bearable and good days legendary. But like any relationship, friendships evolve, and sometimes, they even end. So, how do you know when you’ve got a truly amazing friendship and when a relationship might be running its course?
Signs of a Rock-Solid Friendship
- The Comfort Zone. You can be your authentic self. Great friends let you be wonderfully, unapologetically you. You don’t have to censor your weird habits, bad jokes, or strong opinions. They embrace your quirks and love you for who you are. With true friends, silence isn’t awkward. Just hanging out, existing comfortably in each other’s space, is golden.
- You make time for each other. Between work, family, and binge-watching too much Netflix, it’s easy for friendships to get put on the back burner. But you both make an effort to check in, share what’s going on in your lives, and get that quality facetime.
- Your Emergency Contact. Not just for literal emergencies (though they should know your blood type!), but for those middle of the night emotional breakdowns. They’re there, no matter what.
- The “Real Talk” Pass. We all need a reality check sometimes. A great friend is honest, even when it’s not what you want to hear, because they care about your growth. Disagreements and hurt feelings are inevitable in any close relationship. What matters is that you talk it out, clear the air, and move forward without letting resentments fester.
- The Hype Squad. In a solid friendship, there's a common understanding and respect for each other's dreams, goals, and boundaries. You celebrate each other’s wins. A true friend doesn’t get jealous or try to one-up you when good things happen. They’re your biggest cheerleader, always ready with a toast when you nail that promotion or finally learn how to change a tire.
- You make each other laugh…hard. Shared laughter is the joy that holds great friendships together. You have inside jokes for days and can crack each other up over the smallest things. Can you be your truly ridiculous, snorting milk through your nose-self around this person? Do they know your most embarrassing stories and still like you? That’s a keeper.
Signs You Should Start Distancing Yourself
- It’s a one way street. You’re always the one making plans, calling to check in, being there when they need a shoulder to cry on. But when you need them, they’re nowhere to be found. A friendship can’t survive when only one person is putting in effort.
- They don’t respect you. A good friend may tease you about your questionable taste in romantic partners, but a bad friend belittles you, dismisses your opinions, and makes you feel small. You deserve better than that.
- They’re chronically unreliable. We all flake out sometimes when life gets hectic. But if your friend consistently bails at the last minute or blows off your plans without batting an eye, it shows a lack of respect or your time and the friendship itself.
- Constant negativity. While it's normal to vent frustrations or get advice from friends, constant negativity can be draining. If you find yourself feeling emotionally exhausted after spending time with a friend who always sees the glass as half-empty, it might be a sign to think about the dynamic of the friendship.
- The trust is broken. Trust is the foundation of any relationship, and if it's repeatedly breached or called into question, it can damage the friendship over time. Whether it’s gossiping behind your back, breaking promises, or lying about something major, recovering from a violation of trust is extremely difficult. Trust issues can cast a shadow of doubt over the friendship, and sometimes, the wound is too deep to heal.
- Growing apart. As you both change, you may find you have less and less in common. If you’ve become two completely different people whose values and lifestyles no longer align, it may be time to accept that the friendship has run its course.
- Toxic behavior. Toxic friendships can poison our well being and slow our personal growth. Whether it's manipulation, jealousy, or controlling behavior, toxic friends can leave us feeling drained, anxious, and unworthy. If you recognize these red flags, it might be time to set firm boundaries and end the friendship to protect your own mental and emotional health.
Friendships evolve, and that’s okay! Sometimes it means growing closer, other times, gently drifting apart. Outgrowing a friendship doesn’t make you a bad person. Realizing a friendship isn’t serving you anymore is a sign of self-respect. Friendships should make you feel loved, supported, and like the best version of yourself. If they don’t, don’t be afraid to have honest conversations, set boundaries, or even move on. You deserve friendships that bring out the absolute best in you.